Privacy policy

1. Basics

— "Service" — resource located at and providing services to attract traffic.
— "Policy" — this Privacy Policy applies to the provided and requested data.
— "User" — a visitor to the Service using the information provided on the site.
— "Administration" — Administration of the Service.

2. General

Privacy Policy is an official document that defines the procedure for processing and protecting information about individuals using the Information provided on the site. Privacy policy is not a public offer. The main purpose of Policy is to ensure the necessary protection of information about users and their personal data.
All issues related to the collection, storage and distribution of Information are under the jurisdiction of the Administration, are subject to this Policy and are governed by the current Russian legislation.
The administration has the right to make changes to the current Policy, new versions of which will be published at the permanent address

By using the Service, the User agrees to the terms of this Policy. If the User disagrees with the terms of the Policy, he should immediately stop using the Service.

3. Terms of Service

By using the Service, User confirms that he has all the rights necessary to use the Information, has read this Policy and agrees with its provisions. The administration does not verify the accuracy of the information received about users.

4. Conditions for processing and storage of personal data

In case of receiving certain information about the user, the administration collects them on the basis of the following principles:

— The legality of the methods of processing personal data
— The legality of the purposes of processing this data
— Compliance of the purposes and methods of processing personal data with those declared during collection
— Confidentiality of information belonging to users and its protection from third parties
— Voluntary provision of personal data by the user when using the Service

5. Interaction with data from users of Google and other information providers

— We receive only publicly available account data: name (nickname), gender, date of birth, e-mail, avatar (profile picture).
— We do not store most of the account information. Avatar is used if the user has not uploaded his own avatar for the Personal Page. Gender and date of birth (if the user has not set them separately in the Personal Account) are used only for targeting advertising and are not shown to anyone.
— The e-mail received from the account information is used for registration, and access to the account — activation, password recovery.
— The information obtained through the YouTube API is used only to target advertisements that are shown immediately after the request and collect statistics, this data is not stored on our server and is not published.
— We do not disseminate information about the accounts used, as well as the data received from information providers.

6. Rights and obligations of users

Users have the right to use the services provided by the Service at a specified price. When using the Service, it is not allowed to order traffic to sites on which information is posted that contradicts the current Russian legislation (extremist materials, incitement to ethnic hatred, trafficking in illegal substances, pornography, etc.).

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